* TS-850S/AT transceiver, with serial-adapter (equivalent to IF-232C), which performs voltage-translations and logic-inversion. This serial-adapter plugs into ACC1 (DIN6) on the back of the radio
* Computer, running Linux, with quad-serial-port card (providing 4x genuine 9-pin RS-232 ports)
* Operate digital modes, such as RTTY and PSK-31
* electronic Logging, with all the modern assists (Cluster, LoTW / eQSL, etc)
These First Goals imply - multiple clients for my one radio.First - only one program can talk to my TS-850 at a time.
Generally, this can be EITHER rigctld OR flrig. The choice generally will depend on what subsequent communication is desired. Fldigi can talk to either rigctld or flrig.Flrig brings a few small benefits:
Once Flrig is running, it can se-serve the rig to multiple clients using XML-RPC, on the localhost with port 12345:
$ netstat -alnp | grep rig
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 171756/flrig
The only known XML-RPC client I'm aware of is Fldigi.
Alternatively, rigctld can be fired-up and also re-serve the rig to multiple clients using a TCP/IP on localhost with port 4532:
$ sudo rigctld -m 2009 -r /dev/ttyS1 -s 4800 & (formerly rig -m 209)
$ sudo netstat -alnp | grep rig
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 175545/rigctld
Fldigi can talk either to rigctld or flrig's XML-RPC, and it does both very well. If this were our destination, either radio-connection (flrig or rigctld) will work. Summary - we can talk to the '850 with either flrig or rigctld. I've had excellent (contest / multi-day) stability with rigctld.
But now - logging...
Fldigi incorporates a logger, and can also "talk" to various logging-programs. I haven't really looked at this, because I've considered Fldigi for digital-modes, and my logging is required for CW, SSB, events and contests, etc. Consequently, I don't see Fldigi always being present.The Linux logging programs I'm aware of will all only talk to rigctld (hamlib). That suggests running rigctld directly, but there's one more trick:
rigctld can EITHER talk directly to the radio via serial-port, OR talk indirectly through Flrig! If rigctld is invoked with a radio-model 4, then it will "speak" XML-RPC from Flrig:
$ sudo rigctld -m 4 -r &
This results in "daisy-chained" rig communication, with these ports:
$ sudo netstat -nalp|grep rig
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 175545/rigctld
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 181352/flrig
tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 181352/flrig
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 726783 181352/flrig
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 734603 181352/flrig
This gives us:
TS-850 <--serial-- flrig <--port 12345--> rigctld --> port 4532
and either:
TS-850 <--serial-- flrig <--port 12345--> Fldigi
^--port 12345--> rigctld --> port 4532
We can attach Fldigi to either port 12345 (best) or 4532
Alternatively, if we do not want Flrig in the mix:
TS-850 <--serial-- rigctld --> port 4532 <-- Fldigi
TS-850 <--serial-- rigctld --> port 4532 <-- Fldigi
^-- CQRlog
^-- GRig
Get It Working Locally
Then small-Remote over Home Lan
Lastly big-Remote over Internet